Tafelberg (hotspot) Dutch text English text Vogels in Suriname/Birds in Suriname

The table gives all the birds that I could find reported to be observed (seen, heard, caught) on and around the Tafelberg.

All of the names in the table are linked to pages on this website that describe the bird, and sometimes have one or more photos, sounds or videos of it.
The table was created by J.H. Ribot, with the help of many birders.

regel 46

Birds in this hotspot
(328 species)
Number of
Great Tinamou17
Cinereous Tinamou10
Little Tinamou11
Red-legged Tinamou2
Variegated Tinamou12
Marail Guan10
Spix's Guan7
Blue-throated Piping-Guan1
Variable Chachalaca9
Black Curassow18
Marbled Wood-Quail6
Fasciated Tiger-Heron1
Striated Heron1
Cattle Egret3
Great Egret1
Greater Yellow-headed Vulture38
Black Vulture1
King Vulture10
White-tailed Kite2
Swallow-tailed Kite7
Harpy Eagle1
Black Hawk-Eagle1
Black-and-white Hawk-Eagle1
Ornate Hawk-Eagle1
Plumbeous Kite4
Gray-bellied Hawk1
Tiny Hawk1
Bicolored Hawk1
Great Black-Hawk4
White-tailed Hawk1
White Hawk8
Short-tailed Hawk3
Zone-tailed Hawk1
Laughing Falcon1
Barred Forest-Falcon2
Lined Forest-Falcon6
Slaty-backed Forest-Falcon2
Red-throated Caracara13
Black Caracara3
Yellow-headed Caracara1
Bat Falcon2
Orange-breasted Falcon13
Gray-winged Trumpeter12
Gray-necked Wood-Rail1
Uniform Crake2
Russet-crowned Crake10
American Golden-Plover2
Spotted Sandpiper1
Solitary Sandpiper1
Scaled Pigeon22
Plumbeous Pigeon4
Ruddy Pigeon13
White-tipped Dove3
Gray-fronted Dove15
Ruddy Quail-Dove3
Common Ground-Dove3
Plain-breasted Ground-Dove2
Ruddy Ground-Dove1
Lilac-tailed Parrotlet1
Sapphire-rumped Parrotlet5
Golden-winged Parakeet20
Caica Parrot1
Dusky Parrot4
Blue-headed Parrot6
Mealy Parrot5
Orange-winged Parrot9
Black-headed Parrot5
Red-fan Parrot4
Painted Parakeet3
Red-bellied Macaw7
Blue-and-yellow Macaw15
Scarlet Macaw4
Red-and-green Macaw26
Chestnut-fronted Macaw1
Red-shouldered Macaw2
Squirrel Cuckoo4
Tawny-bellied Screech-Owl3
Vermiculated Screech-Owl7
Spectacled Owl2
Amazonian Pygmy-Owl1
Common Potoo6
Short-tailed Nighthawk3
Blackish Nightjar32
Common Pauraque3
White-chinned Swift16
White-collared Swift18
Band-rumped Swift10
Chapman's Swift2
White-tipped Swift2
Crimson Topaz5
White-necked Jacobin6
Reddish Hermit3
Straight-billed Hermit30
Long-tailed Hermit10
Brown Violet-ear15
Black-eared Fairy8
Green-tailed Goldenthroat38
Racket-tailed Coquette1
Tufted Coquette7
Velvet-browed Brilliant20
Blue-chinned Sapphire7
Gray-breasted Sabrewing10
Fork-tailed Woodnymph42
Plain-bellied Emerald2
Glittering-throated Emerald2
Green-bellied, (Copper-tailed) Hummingbird1
Rufous-throated Sapphire8
White-chinned Sapphire4
Black-tailed Trogon5
Green-backed Trogon26
Guianan Trogon11
Black-throated Trogon1
Collared Trogon2
Ringed Kingfisher2
Green Kingfisher1
Green-and-rufous Kingfisher3
Blue-crowned Motmot6
Yellow-billed Jacamar3
Bronzy Jacamar21
Paradise Jacamar4
Great Jacamar2
Pied Puffbird1
Spotted Puffbird7
Collared Puffbird3
White-chested Puffbird1
Black Nunbird1
Swallow-winged Puffbird7
Black-spotted Barbet7
White-throated Toucan14
Channel-billed Toucan25
Tepui Toucanet10
Guianan Toucanet7
Green Aracari1
Golden-spangled Piculet1
Golden-collared Woodpecker9
Yellow-throated Woodpecker3
Golden-green Woodpecker3
Golden-olive Woodpecker11
Waved Woodpecker6
Chestnut Woodpecker6
Lineated Woodpecker1
Red-necked Woodpecker18
Crimson-crested Woodpecker1
Tawny-throated Leaftosser2
Short-billed Leaftosser2
Hyp: Spot-throated Woodcreeper1
Long-tailed Woodcreeper1
Plain-brown Woodcreeper8
White-chinned Woodcreeper1
Wedge-billed Woodcreeper18
Amazonian Barred-Woodcreeper3
Red-billed Woodcreeper1
Chestnut-rumped Woodcreeper23
Buff-throated Woodcreeper3
Curve-billed Scythebill2
Guianan Woodcreeper2
Plain Xenops12
Point-tailed Palmcreeper5
Rufous-rumped Foliage-gleaner13
Cinnamon-rumped Foliage-gleaner1
Ruddy Foliage-gleaner4
Buff-throated Foliage-gleaner8
Olive-backed Foliage-gleaner2
Plain-crowned Spinetail5
Ruddy Spinetail1
Rufous-rumped Antwren3
Ash-winged Antwren2
Fasciated Antshrike1
Black-throated Antshrike1
Black-crested Antshrike1
Mouse-colored Antshrike13
Northern Slaty-Antshrike25
Amazonian Antshrike2
White-streaked Antvireo9
Dusky-throated Antshrike5
Cinereous Antshrike10
Brown-bellied Antwren12
Pygmy Antwren2
White-flanked Antwren28
Long-winged Antwren8
Gray Antwren4
Spot-tailed Antwren1
Todd's Antwren18
Rufous-winged Antwren28
White-fringed Antwren20
Guianan Warbling-Antbird28
Gray Antbird3
Dusky Antbird8
White-browed Antbird3
Black-headed Antbird35
Spot-winged Antbird3
Ferruginous-backed Antbird19
White-plumed Antbird5
Rufous-throated Antbird5
Spot-backed Antbird9
Common Scale-backed Antbird17
Rufous-capped Antthrush1
Black-faced Antthrush6
Short-tailed Antthrush1
Variegated Antpitta12
Spotted Antpitta2
Thrush-like Antpitta46
Forest Elaenia7
Plain-crested Elaenia1
Rufous-crowned Elaenia43
White-lored Tyrannulet1
Southern Beardless-Tyrannulet3
Ringed Antpipit3
Guianan Tyrannulet4
Olive-green Tyrannulet3
Ochre-bellied Flycatcher22
McConnell's Flycatcher6
Sepia-capped Flycatcher2
Short-tailed Pygmy-Tyrant1
Double-banded Pygmy-Tyrant5
Helmeted Pygmy-Tyrant26
White-eyed Tody-Tyrant1
Pelzeln's tody-tyrant3
Common Tody-Flycatcher3
Olivaceous Flatbill1
Yellow-olive Flycatcher1
Yellow-margined Flycatcher3
Gray-crowned Flycatcher2
Golden-crowned Spadebill6
Royal Flycatcher1
Sulphur-rumped Flycatcher11
Ruddy-tailed Flycatcher2
Cliff Flycatcher11
Rusty-margined Flycatcher8
Great Kiskadee3
Yellow-throated Flycatcher6
Sulphury Flycatcher3
Tropical Kingbird29
Fork-tailed Flycatcher1
Grayish Mourner14
Short-crested Flycatcher5
Rufous-tailed Flatbill2
Bright-rumped Attila15
Guianan Red-Cotinga2
Guianan Cock-of-the-rock29
Purple-throated Fruitcrow1
Spangled Cotinga1
Screaming Piha36
White Bellbird40
Pompadour Cotinga6
Saffron-crested Tyrant-Manakin5
Tiny Tyrant-Manakin4
White-throated Manakin13
Blue-backed Manakin1
Black Manakin27
White-crowned Manakin27
Golden-headed Manakin20
White-bearded Manakin10
White-fronted Manakin22
Black-tailed Tityra3
Olivaceous Schiffornis6
Cinereous Mourner1
Black-capped Becard2
Pink-throated Becard1
Wing-barred Piprites2
Rufous-browed Peppershrike1
Slaty-capped Shrike-Vireo4
Tepui Vireo21
Red-eyed Vireo7
Black-whiskered Vireo1
Lemon-chested Greenlet1
Buff-cheeked Greenlet8
Tawny-crowned Greenlet3
White-thighed Swallow1
Southern Rough-winged Swallow1
Gray-breasted Martin8
Barn Swallow6
Wing-banded Wren10
Coraya Wren21
White-breasted Wood-Wren24
Musician Wren11
Long-billed Gnatwren17
Guianan Gnatcatcher1
Gray-cheeked Thrush1
Rufous-brown Solitaire4
Pale-eyed Thrush1
Pale-breasted Thrush1
Campina Thrush18
Black-hooded Thrush6
White-necked Thrush23
Red-billed Pied-Tanager2
Flame-crested Tanager3
Fulvous-crested Tanager25
White-shouldered Tanager1
Red-shouldered Tanager36
Fulvous Shrike-Tanager8
Silver-beaked Tanager5
Blue-backed Tanager2
Blue-gray Tanager7
Palm Tanager9
Speckled Tanager8
Spotted Tanager12
Paradise Tanager3
Opal-rumped Tanager6
Bay-headed Tanager15
Swallow Tanager1
Black-faced Dacnis7
Blue Dacnis18
Purple Honeycreeper15
Red-legged Honeycreeper16
Green Honeycreeper23
Stripe-tailed Yellow-Finch5
Blue-black Grassquit6
Lined Seedeater2
Chestnut-bellied Seed-Finch6
Slate-colored Grosbeak6
Buff-throated Saltator1
Pectoral Sparrow8
Summer Tanager1
Yellow-green Grosbeak8
Red-and-black Grosbeak1
Blue-black Grosbeak4
Riverbank Warbler1
Green Oropendola9
Epaulet Oriole4
Golden-rumped Euphonia1
Golden-bellied Euphonia1
Golden-sided Euphonia16

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