Dutch text English text Vogels in Suriname/Birds in Suriname

Search engine for bird in Suriname

To get a hint to what bird you have seen in Suriname, you can use the form below. Not all birds have been included, about 200 very rare birds have been excluded. After you press 'Submit' you will find a maximum of ten birds, beginning with the one that is most seen in the chosen region. Some birds are better recognised on their sound, but selecting on sound is not possible here (although on the page of the bird you can sometimes find the sound).

In the menu under 'lists' you can find an alphabetical list of names of the birds in English or Sranan.

In which regio did you see the bird: * choose one

How big was the bird (comparable with): * choose one

What color had the bird among others: * Choose one color

What other color had the bird maybe: * Choose one extra color if seen

What did the bill look like: * choose one

The bird had the form or is family of: * choose one